Let me know if you want to be put on my mail list….I won’t spam you but I do send out a monthly letter (most months) and sometimes I run promos and such. Thanks for being here. Kelli
Let me know if you want to be put on my mail list….I won’t spam you but I do send out a monthly letter (most months) and sometimes I run promos and such. Thanks for being here. Kelli
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
― Albert Einstein
Join us for a new adventure with Pepper and the Stuffy Brigade…a children’s book with a story by Brad Burnette, written and designed by Connie Bickman, illustrated by Kelli Bickman - get it on Amazon here:
Our healing art space closed with the sale of the Odd Fellows Temple in Saugerties in December. My new studio is located in West Saugerties, NY and is open by appointment.
kbickman@gmail.com with inquiries.
II:II Studio at the Odd Fellows Temple Art and Theater Space, Saugerties, NY. Art by Kelli Bickman.
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